
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Big Time Blogging Challenge

LOOK at the time stamp! Michelle Brezek you may have created a monster… I can’t shut my brain off.  I had two meetings after our PD...

  • one school (Preparing the ELL Strategies PD) I can blog about that!
  • and one church,(Mission Work, Port Ministries) I can blog about that!
So I didn’t have much time to digest all the blogging info. Now at 3am I had to get out of bed cause my head is going Bloggy!  

Sleepless in Berwyn


  1. You are too funny, Lucy! I had the same problem with insomnia after the blogging PD. LOL- I got up around 2am and have been up since with my mind racing. I wasn't able to go back to sleep with my "almost 3 year old" little early risers at 5am. Looking forward to stopping back to read more! :)

    1. Sorry to brag, but I went back to be at 5. and woke up at 8:30 in a panic. Enjoy your little ones though. I know everyone says it, but it is because it is true...They grow up way to fast.

  2. Welcome to blogging! I found your blog through the Blogging Challenge linky... I have been blogging about 6 months but sometimes I have so many thoughts swimming in my head I feel like I need 1000 posts to get it all out-so I can totally relate to your post :) Can't wait to see all that is to come through your blog!

    1. Thanks for visiting. Look forward to learning from all you seasoned bloggers.
